5 Life Questions

Five Life Questions

1. If you were to die tonight (and I hope not), how sure are you that you would spend eternity with God in Heaven?  On a scale between 0-100 where would you place yourself:  Zero meaning there is no eternity with God, 50 being pretty unsure about it all, and 100% bearing that you are certain you'd spend eternity in Heaven with God.  Do you think you can know for sure that you are going to heaven? 

The bible promises that we can know that we have eternal life.  Eternal life is based on what Jesus has done for us on the cross: not what I do for him on earth.  1 John 5:11-13

2. Why should or would God allow you into heaven? If heaven exists (and I believe it does) what,  if any, are the parameters for entrance into the eternal presence of a Holy God?  Where do good works fit into salvation?  

Salvation is by Grace.  It is something we get that we don't deserve.  Salvation is through FAITH that we live believing Jesus death paid for our sin.  Our works are evidence of our life surrendered to Christ as we trust him.  Works can not spare a person from being separated from God because it does not satisfy God's demanded and just payment for sin.  Ephesians 2:8-10, John 17:3

3. Why did Jesus die for our sins?  Why didn't he just come down to earth or stay up in heaven and pronounce that our sins are forgiven?  Why did he suffer unjustly at the cross?  

The payment for sin required a death not a life.  When Jesus died on the cross he covered, by his death, the payment that we owed for sin.  Romans 3:23, 6:23

4. Why is Jesus resurrection important to our salvation?

It is the proof that Jesus' death is a sufficient payment for our sin.  As only God could defeat death, Jesus' resurrection give credence to his deity and ability to cover our sins. 1 Corinthians 15:17-22

5. Do you know how to receive forgiveness for sin and begin living in a relationship with God? 1 John 1:9

You can trust in God's payment for your sins right now by expressing to God in prayer what you'd like to see take place in your life.  It is a decision to trust in his payment for your sin as SAVIOR and a desire to have Him direct and guide your life as LORD.  The following is a sample prayer that you could pray.

Lord Jesus, I need you.  I realize that I am a broken person as a sinner who has missed your perfect mark for my life.  I invite you know to come in my life as my Savior who died on the cross for my sin and as my Lord who I want to trust to guide my steps through life.  Thank you for being good, great, and trustworthy.  Show me more of yourself each day.

Bonus Questions

What's the difference between faith and belief?

Faith is active reliant trust in what you believe.  Whereas, belief is something that is merely a cognitive thought or thoughts  that you affirm.  Belief in a aircraft worthiness won't get you in the plane.  Faith is taking the step off the airport causeway and strapping yourself into seat 13B.  Galatians 3:11

Do you know where to go to have the questions answered?

You could begin by study the life of Jesus in The Bible starting the The Gospel of John or check the links below.

Is it worth taking the time to get these questions answered?

Our life is just a speck in timeline of eternity.  Don't let the fear of the future or of the unknown stop you from engaging in discussions concerning your eternal future.   John 14:6

Places to go for some answers

How To Know God Personally

Answers To Other Common Questions About  God